News & Opinions

Why foreign companies are moving to the Western Balkans - 02 Oct 2024

Proximity to the EU, a skilled workforce and low labour costs are increasingly drawing investors to the region; environmentally sustainable production and CO2 reduction offer opportunities for future growth read more

EU-CEE countries need innovation for a new growth model - 23 Sep 2024

More R&D essential for EU members in the region; better framework conditions and spill-over effects from foreign know-how necessary; Ireland and Singapore as role models read more

Neuer Podcast zu Russlands Wirtschaft - 11 Sep 2024

Vasily Astrov bespricht und analysiert mit „Presse“-Journalist Eduard Steiner ab sofort mittwochs im Zweiwochen-Rhythmus russisches Gas, Sanktionen, Oligarchen – und vieles mehr read more

Lessons for Ukraine and Moldova from EU-CEE - 02 Aug 2024

A lot of the experience of previous EU joiners is relevant, yet in the current context many things will also be different read more

Recent Publications


Fiscal consolidation and its growth effects in euro area countries: Past, present and future outlook

wiiw Working Papers read more

Transforming the Western Balkans through Near-shoring and Decarbonisation

Joint Study read more


Skills-oriented migration in the Western Balkans: Linking workers’ migration aspirations to skill shortages in destination and origin countries

wiiw Working Papers read more

Upcoming Events

16  October 2024    10:00 am CEST

Welche Folgen hat Russlands Krieg gegen die Ukraine und wie könnte sich die US-Präsidentschaftswahl auswirken?

Pressekonferenz - Herbst-Konjunkturprognose Osteuropa

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16  October 2024    4:00 pm CEST

Economist Branimir Jovanovic and Deputy Director Richard Grieveson will present wiiw's new economic forecasts for CESEE in 2024-26.

wiiw Autumn Economic Forecast for Central, East and Southeast Europe (CESEE)

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24  October 2024    9:00 am CEST

In cooperation with Research Centre International Economics (FIW).

AW-Curriculum: Systematischer Überblick über handelspolitische Instrumente – Schwerpunkt Sanktionen

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Projects in Focus

Technology Sovereignty and the Role of Knowledge Diffusion in Global Value Chains

Client: Joint Research Centre (JRC)
Duration: February 2023 - June 2023 read more

Regionale und räumliche Trends im Donauraum und diesbezügliche Integrationsentwickungen

Client: Federal Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Regions and Water Management
Duration: January 2024 - December 2024 read more

Functional division of labour in EU value chains

Client: Hans Böckler Stiftung
Duration: January 2022 - December 2022 read more

Assessment of the implementation of CEFTA CRM measures and recommendations for actions beyond 2024

Client: Central European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA)
Duration: May 2024 - December 2024 read more
